柳井 啓司 / Keiji Yanai
電気通信大学 情報工学科
コンピュータ学講座 助教授
English version
2003/11/14 〜 2004/09/27 まで,文科省の在外研究で 米国アリゾナ大学 に行ってきました.
行き先はここです. Photos
Keiji Yanai:
Image Collector II: A System to Gather a Large Number of Images from
the Web, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E88-D,
No.10, pp.2432-2436 (2005/10).
Keiji Yanai:
Mining Visual Knowledge on the World Wide Web for Generic Image Classification,
Transaction of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence,
Vol.19, No.5, pp.429-439 (2004/10) (in Japanese).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai, Masaya Shindo, Kohei Noshita:
A Fast Image-Gathering System on the World-Wide Web Using a PC Cluster,
Image and Vision Computing, Vol.22, No.1, pp.59-71 (2004/01).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai and Koichiro Deguchi:
Recognition of Indoor Images Employing Supporting Relation between Objects,
Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.33, No.10, pp.14-26 (2002/10).
(PDF file)
Yoshio Hoshi, Kohei Noshita and Keiji Yanai:
A new algorithm for solving the cooperative Tsume-shogi based on
iterative-deepening search,
Transaction of Information Processing Society of Japan,
Vol.43, No.1, pp.11-19 (2002/1) (in Japanese).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai and Koichiro Deguchi:
A Multi-resolution Image Understanding System
Based on Multi-agent Architecture for High-resolution Images,
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E84-D, No.12 (2001/12).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai:
An Image Gathering System from WWW Employing Keywords and Image Features,
IPSJ Transactions on Databases,
Vol.42, No.SIG10(TOD11), pp.79-91 (2001/9) (in Japanese).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai and Koichiro Deguchi:
Recognition of Indoor Images Employing Supporting Relation between Objects,
IEICE Transactions D-II, Vol.84-DII, No.8, pp.1741-1752 (2001/8) (in Japanese).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai and Koichiro Deguchi:
A Multi-Agent Architecture of Object Recognition System for Various Image,
Transaction of Information Processing Society of Japan,
Vol.39, No.2, pp.170-177 (1998/2) (in Japanese).
(PDF file)
International conferences
Keiji Yanai and Takehisa Hayashiyama:
Automatic ``Go'' Record Generation from a TV Program,
Proc. of the 12th International Multimedia Modelling Conference,
Beijing China, (2006/01).
(to appear)
Keiji Yanai and Kobus Barnard:
Image Region Entropy: A Measure of "Visualness" of Web Images
Associated with One Concept,
Proc. of ACM Multimedia 2005, Singapore, (2005/11).
Keiji Yanai and Kobus Barnard:
Probabilistic Web Image Gathering,
Proc. of ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) 2005,
Singapore, (2005/11).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai, Nikhil V. Shirahatti, Prasad Gabbur and Kobus Barnard:
Evaluation Strategies for Image Understanding and Retrieval,
Proc. of ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) 2005,
Singapore, (2005/11).
(PDF file)
(invited paper)
Keiji Yanai:
Web Image Mining: Can We Gather Visual Knowledge for Image Recognition from the Web ?,
Proc. of the 2003 Pacific-Rim International Conference on Multimedia, Singapore, pp.1B1-2 (2003/12).
(PDF file)
(invited paper)
Keiji Yanai:
Generic Image Classification Using Visual Knowledge on the Web,
Proc. of ACM Multimedia 2003, Berkeley USA, pp.67-76 (2003/11).
(ACM Digital Library)
(PDF file)
(acceptance rate: 16.9%)
Keiji Yanai:
Image Collector II: A System for Gathering More Than One Thousand Images from the Web for One Keyword,
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo,
Baltimore USA,
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai:
Web Image Mining toward Generic Image Recognition,
Proc. of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference,
Poster Paper,
Budapest Hungary,
(HTML file)
Keiji Yanai:
Image Collector II: An Over-One-Thousand-Image-Gathering System,
Proc. of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference,
Poster Paper,
Budapest Hungary,
(HTML file)
Keiji Yanai:
An Experiment on Generic Image Classification Using Web Images,
Proc. of the 2002 Pacific-Rim International Conference on Multimedia
(Springer LNCS no.2532),
Shinchu Taiwan,
pp.303-310 (2002/12).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai:
Image Classification by Web Images,
Proc. of the Seventh Pacific-Rim International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (Springer LNAI no.2417),
Tokyo Japan,
pp.613-614 (2002/08).
Keiji Yanai:
An Automatic Image-Gathering System for the World-Wide Web
by Integration of Keywords and Image Features,
Proc. of 4th International Conference on Computational
Intelligence and Multimedia Applications,
Yokosuka Japan,
pp.303-307 (2001/10).
Keiji Yanai, Masaya Shindo, Kohei Noshita:
A Fast Image-Gathering System on the World-Wide Web Using a PC Cluster,
Proc. of the 2001 International Conference on Web Intelligence
(Springer LNAI no.2198), Maebashi Japan, Full Paper, pp.324-334 (2001/10).
(PDF file)
(acceptance rate: 19.0%)
Keiji Yanai:
Image Collector: An Image-Gathering System from the World-Wide Web
Employing Keyword-based Search Engines, Proc. of IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Tokyo Japan, pp.704-707 (2001/8).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai and Koichiro Deguchi:
A Multi-resolution Image Understanding System Based on Multi-agent
Architecture for High-resolution Images, Proc. of IAPR Workshop on
Machine Vision and Applications 2000, Tokyo Japan, pp.291-294 (2000/11).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai and Koichiro Deguchi:
Recognition of Indoor Images Employing Qualitative Model Fitting
and Supporting Relation between Objects,
Proc. of International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2000,
Barcelona Spain,
Vol.I, pp.964-967 (2000/9).
(PDF file)
Keiji Yanai:
An Image Understanding System for Various Images
Based on Multi-Agent Architecture,
Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Computational
Intelligence and Multimedia Applications,
New Dehli India,
pp.186-190 (1999/9).
(PDF file)
- Keiji Yanai
and Koichiro Deguchi: An Architecture of Object Recognition System for
Various Images Based on Multi-Agent, Proc. of International Conference
on Pattern Recognition'98,
Brisbane Australia,
Vol.I, pp.643-646 (1998/8).
(HTML file)
(PDF file)
- 学位:博士 (工学)
- 資格:宅地建物取扱主任,一般旅行業務取扱主任,情報処理1種,電話工事担当者デジタル1種,甲種危険物取扱者,(普通自動車,アマチュア無線4級,PADI open water)
- 個人的興味:フリークライミング,バックカントリースキー
Yanai's Personal Page / keiji.yanai@gmail.com
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